HERO Synchronizer



For sports events like baseball, multiple cameras can be used to capture 3 bases, batter’s box, catcher’s box, pitcher’s mound, outfield, etc. For musical performances, they can capture main stage, back stage, left/right, and every major performers, etc. The problem is, how to sync each video from the cameras? Surprisingly, many cameras do not have the capability to sync to a global time sync server.


Media Excel's Timecode Embedder modulates timecode into a sub audio track so that it can propagate just like regular videos and audios. With access to accurate time data, the HERO Management System's Frame Synchronizer recovers the timecode and performs synchronization across multiple channels.

  • Patent-pending technology to convey timecode over audio signal path.

  • With NTP synced timecode, synchronization over multiple channels in multiple encoders in multiple locations is possible.

  • Flexible configuration/customization to accommodate various service scenarios and environment.

  • Commercially deployed, field proven solution

Additional Information
Datasheet Synchronized Encoding using Timecode Embedded