Versatile Platform

Versatile Platform

Versatile Platform

Media Excel's HERO provides a unique portfolio of form factors that can be deployed and installed in any environment, such as Appliance for Turnkey, Virtual, Private Cloud, and Public Cloud. For appliance for turnkey, HERO is directly installed and operated in a customer's own computer room server, providing the advantage of secure management of enterprise business information. HERO has been optimized for this environment over many years.

On the other hand, HERO on private and public cloud provides a flexible alternative for customers with diverse streaming needs. It caters to those who cannot allocate physical server space or require intensive streaming services for shorter periods, offering greater convenience. In particular, we can provide easy and quick deployment and provisioning in the cloud environment through HOS (HERO Orchestration Server). Despite the installation and deployment in heterogeneous environments, we use HMS (HERO Management Server) to control and monitor devices in heterogeneous environments stably. Through this, we can provide a suitable and efficient form factor for the service environment ideal for each project.

Mediaexcel Versatile Platform​​​​​​​

Mediaexcel Versatile Platform
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